Rengöring untan plastavfall. Nu hos ICA

ICA is now on the journey towards reduced plastic waste!

We can proudly present: The WTF Concept in Ica stores

We are so happy to be able to share the news that selected Ica stores around Malmö have now chosen to take a stand against single-use plastic in their cleaning shelves. It is gratifying to see that retailers at one of Sweden's leading grocery retailers are taking action against single-use plastics and supporting our mission. It also means that the ground-breaking WTF Concept will be able to take place at the selected stores.

Cleaning without plastic waste

What exactly is the WTF Concept?

W (Water*) T (Tablet) F (Bottle). The WTF concept includes the three elements needed to start cleaning without plastic waste. Fill up your reusable bottle with water, drop in a cleaning tablet and you're ready to start cleaning. When you reuse the bottle, each used cleaning tablet = one less plastic bottle in our garbage and oceans.
Through this concept, we have already saved 8 tonnes of plastic waste and there will be more!

*Before the confusion starts, yes it is regular tap water that is needed. We just made a little twist on the spelling, that's all.

Skosh in ICA Maxi Västra Hamnen

Where can you find us?

We extend a big thank you to the following ICA stores in Malmö where our products are currently available:

The WTF concept will continue to roll out to more and more stores so keep your eyes peeled because soon we will be in a store near you!

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