Empower The Sustainable You

Hello and welcome to your ultimate guide to a slightly more sustainable everyday life. Here you can find everything from green cleaning tips, local secondhand tips and important facts that can make everyday sustainable choices a little easier.


Global Recycling Day - Tänk Möjligheter, Inte Avfall

Global Recycling Day - Tänk Möjligheter, Inte A...

Vi människor har konsumerat mer av jordens naturresurser under de senaste 50 åren än någonsin tidigare. 40% av världens råvaror försörjs av återvunnet material; "skräp" som legat mitt framför ögonen...

En Djupdykning i Disktrasehållare

En Djupdykning i Disktrasehållare

Vad är en disktrasehållare, vilket syfte har den och hur kan den se ut och vara gjord av? Vi går igenom lite vad en disktrasehållare är och vilken som- enligt...

Gröna växter i hemmet

More green in our homes in 2022!

Creating a sustainable habit can sound harder than it actually needs to be. That's why we want to share with you some tips that are easy to implement in your...

Skosh, prenumerationsmodell, tvättmedel, diskmaskinstabletter

2022 - the year of sustainable promises

New Year is around the corner, and so is the new year: 2022. Maybe you had a New Year's resolution for 2021 that you achieved, maybe it had to do...

Sustainable Christmas Gift wrapped in recyclable paper

10 Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is around the corner and people have already started searching for gifts for their loved ones. For a sustainable community, holidays mean searching for eco-friendly gift alternatives. That's why...

GLOSSYBOX, Skosh, december


Yes, you read that right! GLOSSYBOX and Skosh have a collaboration during December! And what is a GLOSSYBOX and what does such a box actually contain? GLOSSYBOX is everyday luxury...